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HOPE that is stronger than Fear, unworldly PEACE passing understanding, JOY that brings us delight in bright times, strength in the darkness. Precious Advent gifts of grace, but the greatest is LOVE.

LOVE whispers in a Newborn’s cry, shrieks in the pain of a dying Redeemer and shouts in triumph over the ghastly silence of death as He bursts from the tomb, “Life! Eternal life! For my Beloveds!”

LOVE offers this gift with nail-scarred hands, longs for us, urging us in tenderness, “Open it.” Still, we hesitate. We feel unworthy of such a gift, or conversely, satisfied enough in ourselves to ignore the treasure. Still, LOVE calls to us, “My Beloved, receive!”

This Advent, take some time to immerse yourself in LOVE’s stories. Read the stories of Jesus in the gospels, slowly, even out loud, in differing translations. Sit with them. In your imagination be one of the characters in each story, engaging all your senses. Look into LOVE’s face. Listen for His voice. Touch Him. Smell the fragrance of grace in his embrace.

LOVE calls to each of us in a language we can understand. In his series of books, Gary Chapman identifies Five Love Languages. * LOVE speaks them all fluently, for He is The Word.

Also find this post in Our Story Magazine.


Thoughts for Reflection

In what ways do you understand LOVE?

  1. Words of Affirmation? How do you feel when LOVE says to you: “Beloved, I do not condemn you…Follow Me” (John 8:1-11)? How do you feel when LOVE calls you His friend and died for you (John 15:12-15)?
  2. Touch? Has LOVE’s touch ever healed you when you reached out to Him (Matthew 9:20-22)? How do you tangibly serve others as LOVE serves you (John 13)?
  3. Quality Time? What do you learn from LOVE when He talks to you at night (John 3)? What do you see when you pray with LOVE and witness His glory (Luke 9:28-36)?
  4. Gifts? What gifts has LOVE given you to overcome fear and live fully (2 Timothy 1:6)? How do you use your gifts to love His people (1 Corinthians 12, 13)?
  5. Acts of Service? How does LOVE show you His love by serving you in every way (Matthew; Mark; Luke; John)? How do you respond to LOVE’s ultimate sacrifice for you (John 3:16, 15:13)?


Hear the words LOVE speaks—the words of Hope, Peace, Joy, and Infinite Love.