Musings from the quiet morning hours…

Enough is More Than Enough
A modern-day prodigal son story.

Hear the words LOVE speaks—the words of Hope, Peace, Joy, and Infinite Love.

Some Christmas seasons seem to overflow with joy; in others it is the Joy of the Lord that keeps our hearts.

Finding peace in the eye of the storm.

The walk has been long, and the days filled with both Fear and Wonder.

Living with the “Whatifs” of Our Lives
When our children were little, we loved reading Shel Silverstein poems together. They were funny and quirky and – I discovered – often very true. One of my favourites is “Whatif” Let me share it with you: Last night, while I lay thinking here, some Whatifs crawled...

Practicing Praise
Psalm 33 1. Shout for joy in the Lord, O you righteous! Praise befits the upright. 2. Give thanks to the Lord with the lyre Make melody to him with the harp of 10 strings! 3. Sing to him a new song; Play skillfully on the strings, with loud shouts. 18. Behold the eye...

The Dandelion
Dogged faith and deep love were the coils wrapped into the DNA of her soul.